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Pet Wellbeing Respir-Gold 貓用呼吸系統保健

Pet Wellbeing Respir-Gold 貓用呼吸系統保健

全店,滿HK$400免運費 (一般地區)



全店,滿HK$800免運費 (離島及偏遠地區)

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數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Respir-Gold was formulated for supporting the health of the airways, resulting in comfortable, easy breathing. 
  • Helps maintain normal opening of the airways
  • Supports normal histamine levels in the lungs 
  • Helps your pet have a normal response to environmental allergens
  • Assists normal respiratory immune modulation
Respir-Gold is Formulated With
Black Cumin seed (Nigella sativa): Nigella is the main ingredient in Respir-Gold; its action has been extensively studied for its ability to assist normal immune responses in the lungs, with positive results eliciting normal breathing patterns.
Horehound aerial parts (Marrubium vulgare): This herb is used extensively in preparations for the upper respiratory tract. It is of particular use for normal mucus production in the bronchi.
Grindelia flowering aerial parts (Grindelia spp.): This lovely yellow flowering plant has been used traditionally and studied for its use in the respiratory system. It may provide comfort to hoarse and raw lungs and throat.
Boswellia gum (Boswellia spp.): A traditional Ayurvedic gum resin, Boswellia has been shown to be a potent ingredient for expiratory flow rates and consistent comfort with breathing.
English Ivy (Hedera helix): Commonly used in European herbal preparations for the lungs, Ivy is known to assist with normal and comfortable breathing by supporting respiratory function. Ivy contains amounts of a constituent called saponins (mainly a natural chemical called Hederacoside C). The saponins in Ivy assist with cellular response, resulting in normal mucus production.
... 407 mg per ml (20 drops/ml)

Herbs are certified organic or ethically wild-harvested.

Inactive ingredients: Deionized water, natural bacon flavor, vegetable glycerin

How To Administer Respir-Gold
Administer product orally twice daily. Give one drop for every 1 lb of body weight.
BEST way to give drops! Add to food. Add drops to a small portion of a favorite food or treat and ensure the entire amount is consumed.
Shake well before use. Does not require refrigeration.

Use With Caution
  • Do not use during pregnancy.
  • If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
  • Use caution with gastritis. 
  • Consult a veterinarian if coughing or fever is present, as this may indicate a serious condition requiring immediate attention. 
  • An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.
*Do not use Respir-Gold as a substitute for prescription medication(s) for asthma. Under the supervision of your veterinarian, it may eventually be possible to decrease and/or discontinue use, depending on your pet’s respiratory health.


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  • 離島及偏遠送貨上門 (經順豐速運)
  • 順便智能櫃取件 (運費HK$35,訂單滿HK$250免運費)
  • 順豐站取件(運費到付,訂單滿HK$400免運費)
  • 順豐服務中心取件 (運費到付,訂單滿HK$400免運費)
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  • 台灣專用送貨上門


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