歡迎直接到店選購:Three Little Meow 全線門市有售。
Store below -18C. Online orders available for pick-up from Kwun Tong Shop only.
Available for purchase in our Tseung Kwan O, Causeway Bay, Mongkok, Tsuen Wan and Kwun Tong shops.
主要功能 Functions
- 含豐富鐵質及氨基酸 Rich in iron and amino acids
- 有效預防貧血 Effectively prevents anaemia
- 幫忙肌肉生長及保持肌力 Helps muscle growth and maintains muscle strength
- 促進傷口癒合 Promote wound healing
成份 Ingredients
Chicken breast, chicken thigh, beef thigh, pumpkin, homemade chicken soup, eggs, chicken liver, chicken heart, fish oil, pet vitamins and minerals.
營養資料 Nutritional information
能量 Energy |102 kcal
蛋白質 Protein |16.8g|Dry Matter : 77%
脂肪 Fat | 4.7g|Dry Matter : 21%
碳水化合物 Carbohydrates |0.23g
膳食纖維 Dietary fibre |90mg
鈉 Sodium|43mg
鉀 Potassium|234mg
鎂 Magnesium|21mg
鈣 Calcium|203mg
磷 Phosphorus|173mg
鐵 Iron|1.4mg
鋅 Zinc|1.4mg
牛磺酸 Taurine|100mg